Thursday, May 26, 2005

Vehicles - Part II

Sadly this saga continues as despite my suburban being deemed fit after another successful fuel pump transplant (the first one during the bitter cold in January). It was shepherded home with Allan at the helm and my following closely behind in our grand prix this morning. It rested only briefly before we trekked out to Stony Plain for Brendan's language therapy session. On the way home it died again, the only evidence being another blown fuse - which again blew the second the key turned in the ignition... deja vu. Another long wait on the side of the road with little ones and another tow to a dealership we "enjoyed." Though this time it was accompanied by a wonderful visit with a homeschool friend who graciously rescued us from our roadside stopping place and brought us safely home.

They won't even be able to look at it until Monday. I am thankful though that there are no pressing appointments between then and now. Another blessing, the forever-in-construction road they are widening that runs by our subdivision was just paved. As we mostly bike everywhere we go, we now have a huge two-lane bike path to use until they are finished the rest of the road. Much better than winding our way along mud paths, between construction equipment or worse, biking along the thin edge of the road as cars whiz by. Catch you on our bikes everyone!

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