Tuesday, May 31, 2005


A large lump on my foot, a result of having a 150 lb rock roll on it while landscaping today, pales in comparison to a friend who's leg was fractured in a horse riding accident on Sunday. She will be in the hospital for about a week as they pin her leg and make sure it is setting properly. I pray it heals quickly and as painlessly as possible, though she did indeed need a rest. She is an incredibly busy mother who rarely takes time for herself.

However, I think I will take this lazy afternoon to focus on the future as I nurse my foot. Hmmm, I think I will plan for a possible training workshop in Chicago (unless I can persuade Common Knowledge Trust to allow me to host a workshop in Canada), writing my homeschool "syllabus" for the upcoming year and prepare for my postpartum doula training this weekend.

We have been finished our homeschool year for almost a month now. I am so glad because I enjoy summers too much to want to be stuck inside teaching... but this afternoon I will focus on just that. Besides, it is too windy to really enjoy the outdoors today.

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