Sunday, November 20, 2005

Open House Today!

Our Immanuel Healthy Family Ministry Open House was today and we had so much fun! Presenting our ministry to our church congregation was our focus today and it was a wonderful way to inform everyone of what we have been working on and the new services available.

A lot of hard work lead up to this event and everyone pulled together beautifully! Linda, Immanuel's massage therapist, was also giving 5 minute massages and had great information on her Infant Massage classes for parents. Rachel's Vineyard (post abortion healing ministry) had a display and even Sandi, our postpartum doula who had a meeting today was able to postpone it and attend. Thus our entire ministry was there to answer questions and celebrate our Open House with all of our friends at Immanuel.

Our tables before the event, there was no way to get pictures after because it was so busy! We forgot the duct tape (the only tape that sticks to cinder blocks) so we had to put our sign on the table and the posters above, but everything else came together beautifully!

Deanna Rennich, our birth doula discusses the finer points of doula support with Cowboy Randy.

Immanuel's Healing Centre also had tables with their information available.

I am so excited about the success of this event and can't wait until our Healthy Family Fair in February when we officially launch our Ministry to the community!

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