Sunday, November 20, 2005


I have been contemplating depression of late as my second son is doing his own healing from a depressed period this summer. Stemming from a few things, the biggest two being our two moves and the sudden death last fall of his uncle, he struggled with sadness, depression and memories which reminded him of what had changed and that he couldn't bring back. He withdrew to a certain extent from friends as well.

Depression is never an easy time and yet it is almost always a time of growth for that person and those around. Stepping back from life, reflecting on ourselves and our role in society and moving on to a better, clearer worldview is rarely a bad thing. Why then is depression so shunned?

Rather than avoiding the person experiencing this or giving advice such as "get over it" is never the right thing to do. Instead, support that person, talk to him or her and understand where that person is coming from. Refer to someone who can help such as a counsellor or pastor can make a world of difference.

My son and I spent a lot of time talking this summer as he worked through his emotions, his fears, his sadness. I gave him a journal to write in and he has been journalling since June, a huge support for him. We also visited our family physician to rule out any medical concerns such as thyroid. But most of all we talked, or he talked and I listened. He had many questions, quite a few that I could not answer, and that is OK. Knowing that there are not answers to every question is important too.

He still has his moments, but he is loving life now and the sadness is rarely present any more. He also is stronger and our family relationship is more wonderful for working through this together. My husband learned a lot about depression this summer and even found tools he didn't know before in working through and/or supporting someone who is depressed. A growing period for us all, it wasn't easy but it was worth it.

Do you know of someone who you suspect is feeling sad or depressed? Reach out to that person and spend time together, and just listen. It can make a world of difference.

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