Thursday, November 24, 2005

The Fallout

Why is it that every time after a big event, or even a not-so-big event, I have a couple of days down time? I feel like I am coming down with something, and maybe I am. It is amazing how the absense of my favourite hormone, adrenaline, can send me into a funk. Regardless, I have been working on some GREAT information sheets about prenatal exercise, relaxation, the physiological changes of pregnancy, abdominal muscle separation, posture and more.

In talking to the chiropractor, wellness practitioner and massage therapist who I work with, I again heard of the need for women to understand that pregnancy is NOT a time to sit back and relax. Moreso now than ever, exercise is an important... no vital aspect of health and wellness. Not just for maternal health (bone density, spinal health, and increased weight concerns), though that is vital as it is also a direct link to fetal health, but for the pregnancy itself (avoiding PIH & GD) and fetal outcomes (dramatically reduced preterm delivery risk with all that entails). Vital information for moms who need to understand pregnancy is a normal physiological process - while being bombarded by the pathology of pregnancy and birth that oozes from almost every obstetrician I know.

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