Saturday, November 12, 2005

Answer to Prayer

My last blog I eluded to a prayer request regretted. Let me explain what I meant. Our prayer request was simple, to ask if moving to Grande Prairie was by His hand or if God wanted us to stay in Spruce Grove. We prayed during an evening drive to Camrose and His answer was swift.

We were only at Allan’s parents for two hours when both Ryan and Brendan started throwing up from the flu. It came suddenly as we all felt fine all day. We tucked the two boys into bed with a pail at hand and a parent nearby to help if needed. The next morning Allan and Eric became sick with both staying in bed while Ryan and Brendan woke feeling fine. Later that afternoon I too became sick and Breanna didn’t at all.

How does this answer prayer you say? Because this is the very order in which each of us would be affected by a move. Ryan has been experiencing depression from the two fairly quick moves we have made in the last three years and another move would be very difficult for him. Brendan would love his GRIT DS (developmental specialist) who is working one-on-one with him for his language delays as GRIT is only available in the Edmonton area. They would be the most affected, and dramatically at that.

Allan knows that he would be moving to a very difficult store to manage because of the lack of managers and staff… similar to what he is working with now but on a more severe scale. Eric has made some great friendships here, something he wasn’t able to do in Lloydminster because those he did try to befriend were mean and hurtful. Though the move would be challenging, Eric and Allan would do fine after a while.

For me, I would miss Spruce Grove a lot but change refreshes me and I love the challenge. Finally, Breanna likely would not be affected at all because at two, life is an adventure and ties are to family not location. So our answer, quick as it was, was received with a thankful heart, even if it was the flu! The verdict: We will not be moving anytime soon.

Our only lingering concern was the effect turning down a move would have on Allan’s career. Allan’s district manager is OK with that so career concerns are gone, YAY!

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