Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Liberal Government and Day Care Spending

I rarely discuss politics except with close friends, and never in a heated matter, but with an election coming up things have been interesting. My almost 14-year-old was very excited last week when he read in the news about the GST going from 7% to 5%. I explained to him in somewhat of a nutshell about campaign promises, why we are facing an election in the new year and of course that is tainted by my own beliefs about our current governments, both federal and provincial. I told of promises kept (Klein's debt elimination), blatant lies (Liberal promise to scrap the GST entirely) and the compromises in keeping promises (reduced spending in Alberta) that frustrates us in some ways.

Well, I will not be shy in my dislike of politics and the smoke and mirrors that fog almost every issue. One thing that does piss me off royally is the blatant spending of the Liberals. As we spiral further and further into debt, Martin pledges an additional $6 billion for day care over the next five years. To me this is just another way to further degrade families. Mothers who want so desperately to stay home and parent their children are instead forced to work in order to make ends meet far too often today. Why can't this money go towards families, who can then choose to spend that money as they wish, towards daycare or towards paying bills so that children can have parents instead of surrogates? I know why, because government doesn't trust its citizens to spend that money wisely. Well we need to only look to our federal government for a role model, right? NOT!

I know this is a long-held debate, but I do know that as a stay-at-home mother who makes difficult choices every day that impacts her children because of her lack of income, it isn't fun. Could the Liberals support families for once Paul Martin?

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