Sunday, December 04, 2005

Eating Well

I am ready to do this, return to a healthier weight. I am just barely tipping the scales of obesity and though am down 10 lbs since moving here (removing stress = less eating), I do have a ways to go. It is funny, but I rarely see myself as heavy, contrary to my husband who has always seen himself as overweight, even when he wasn't. Every dream I have I see myself as slim, flexible, strong and healthy. I have never, ever dreamed of myself overweight and indeed most of my waking days I don't feel overweight at all... unless I am dressing or (shudder) shopping for clothes. Even that has become much easier since I found Cleo ( which carries great fitting clothes for my body type (big hips and a small, short waist).

But I digress. Ann Douglas blogged about EATracker, a free nutrition and activity tracker from the Dietitians of Canada. I have had fun playing with it today apparently I eat properly (for the most part) but don't exercise enough. Welcome to being a Canadian in winter. In the same breath, I love exercise. Especially free weights and circuit training (keeps things from being boring). However, I have not been disciplined enough since spring to keep a regular exercise routine together. Given that, being a mom/wife/volunteer/business owner keep me off my laurels enough that I was active enough to get a "green star" today. We shall see what the future holds! Check it out for yourself.


Anonymous said...

Hi Connie Banack I’ve been looking for Spirit Of Christmas related blogs and I came across yours on Eating Well during my trawl, so I thought it would be polite to let you know about my visit. You are most welcome to come and visit me at Spirit Of Christmas. I would also be happy to trade links with you if you are interested. Bye for now and have a nice day! Roy.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the link! I have to check that out. I've been trying to lose a lot of weight after my second baby, but I plateaued after 20 pounds! It's killing me.