Monday, June 07, 2004

Hemispheric Dominance and Sensory Preference
In my quest for continual improvement, both personally and professionally, I took the quiz brain.exe, at: and found results interesting:

left brain: 52.2%
right brain: 47.8%
auditory: 30.8%
visual: 69.2%

I new that I was a visual learner, my husband can attest to my being auditorially challenged in that I don't take orders/advice/input/fill-in-the-blank well. However the left/right brain surprised me because when I took a similar test a few years ago I was much more a right-brain person. It goes to show that you do improve with age! The comments from the results were:

You exhibit balanced hemispheric dominance and a strong visual preference. It is the intensity of your sensory preference which may more determine your learning style.

The balance of left- and right-hemisphere usage is very helpful to a highly visual learner. You absorb your environment, selecting out details and simultaneously ebedding them in a context, an overall perspective which adds nuances of meaning. Given the prodigious rate that you input information, you naturally utilize the services of both hemispheres more or less equally.

You are active and searching, which produces energy. Because you can process multiple inputs comfortably, you do not experience the indecision of a person with mixed sensory preference. You are able to focus on more than one aspect of a situation and push for resoulution.

You can tolerate ambiguity, which is good, since you will experience a lot it due to your input style. While a part of you will always seek completion, the other part accepts the process as it is. You may occasionally get impatient with yourself. You will always be able to work thorugh problems in a logical sequence or given order, but you will have other options available to you as well.

You may find that you have insufficient time to reflect on your experiences and thus lose a sense of meaning, not appreciating your “inner being” as much as you might otherwise.

Many people would envy your combination of characteristics. Constantly seeking stimulation, you are artistic without needing to be “odd.” An active learner and yet reasonably logical and disciplined.

Take the test today and learn about your learning style. It will help you in improving knowledge retention and knowing what learning style is best for you. Have fun!

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