Monday, January 30, 2006

We are not moving today!

God has been gracious today. Allan's evaluation was superb and though his store manager is looking for slight improvements in three fairly minor areas, he is in line for being promoted to a co-manager position soon. That was a no-brainer as Allan has superb management skills and I didn't doubt for a minute that he would not have anything but an excellent eval.

His store manager also asked specifically that he stay in the store because he needs his strong leadership right now. Even though, his district manager did ask if he would transfer to Grande Prairie, which he declined again... mostly because there is no way in heck that we could afford to move there on his wage (even with a raise). It was really a moot point though, given his store managers request, but is a future option for sure.

Ironically his other boss (our builder, who we have been working for part-time) called to ask how the eval went and offered Allan a full-time job until he was able to open a sales position for him this fall. I of course told him when he called to tell me of his eval outcomes.

Wow, the options we have been praying for suddenly all fall in our laps in the same hour. We were asking for a sign as to which path we should travel, following Allan's management career in Wal-Mart or moving to the very lucrative construction/sales career offered by our builder. It seems that the latter is where we may be heading... but at a more leisurely pace which is OK with me.


Anonymous said...

Glad to see the windows and doors are opening for your family. :-)

Anonymous said...

Have you read the book "The Barbarian Way" by Erwin Raphel McManus? It is a challenging call to be a passionate follower of Christ!