Wednesday, January 11, 2006

IQ Testing

One question for all of you. If you decided today to take an IQ test today... oh for whatever reason, and it came back as 132 (cognitive destination = gifted which is only 2.3% of the population), what impact would that have on you?


Anonymous said...

It would change anything for me, I have finally found a job I adore working with kids and life is large!

Anonymous said...

Interesting question! As a 1st grader, my school gave me an IQ test as part of seeing whether or not I should be in the "MGM Program" (later called GATE) Well, I got into the program...but my mom to this day (over 30 years later) will not tell me what my score was!

Could be good....could be bad! Do I want to know?? Depends on the day, lol.

Milliner's Dream, a woman of many "hats"... said...

I'd wonder why school is so hard for me. ;)
