Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Summer Lover
I was perusing my favorite TV Channel's website, I don't get time to sit and watch TV until winter's cold comes, so I was checking out any new information online. I took a neat little "What is Your Signature Season" poll and the answer confirmed my belief:

Summer lover.

You love warmth, being outside and being active. Once the weather starts to chill, you have a tendancy to hybernate.

Heat is your strength, so when the temperature drops, take up activities that keep you warm: Join an indoor tennis, soccer or squash league. Treat yourself to a monthly spa treatment—try a Temaczal treatment in a heated chamber, or do an at-home treatment with a colour therapy bath — get bath oils in yellow or red, your strength hues.

In the middle of winter, make an indoor miniature greenhouse of herbs, teas or your favourite flowers. Host an indoor picnic party by buying large billowy plants, and putting down a cozy plaid blanket, then serve up potato salad (comforting yet summer food!) and mini sandwiches. Light a fire and make s'mores on a Friday night, make a beautiful fruit salad every Sunday morning or a glass fresh-squeezed lemonade on a Saturday afternoon.

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