Wednesday, September 15, 2004

The last two weeks have been a whirlwind. Starting with Allan's holidays, we had a wonderful time with just the right mix of vacation and visiting family. While we were gone our builder put the final finish on our cherry hardwood floors, a wonderful gift to come home to.

Sadly, the finish "fish eyed" which basically means that it looked splotchy, something no one expected. The only way to remedy it, however, was to completely refinish it. We had anticipated having it done closer to Christmas but our builder called and said he could do it last week, so the kids and I packed up again and headed off to my parents farm for three more days, leaving Allan behind to live around the refinishers as he came and went to work.

We had a glorious time with my parents and my sister's family and returned home to the most amazing floors, they were perfect. The dust covering every surface took a few hours to remove, but my house is so clean now.

Monday we recieved a call that our brother-in-law had a bad heart attack and was in the hospital. They fear he suffered brain damage from lack of oxygen before the ambulance arrived, despite Allan's sister (his wife) giving him CPR. We waited until yesterday to visit, hoping he would be awake, but he is still under sedation. Today he is having a cat scan, so we are awaiting to hear more. Meanwhile, Eric stepped on a piece of glass which I couldn't remove Monday evening so we spent a "wonderful" three hours in the Stoney Plain hospital, but we met several great nurses and the ER doctor was fabulous.

We have been homeschooling amid it all, the boys are loving their new math curriculum and are enjoying returning to formal learning.

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