Sunday, September 26, 2004

A funny thing happened on the way to church this morning. As usual, I was heading out early to circumvent any problems that are often encountered as we prepare for any outing with four children such as lost shoes and forgotten jackets or books. Things were going very smoothly as Brendan, Ryan and Eric were already out the door and I was just shoeing Breanna before we left, with plenty of time to spare.

As he was waiting, Brendan was perched on a rock by our front pond looking at the fish when his arms started to wave and... yes you are right, he fell in. Given that it isn't a large pond and his agility, he fortunately landed on his feet. Yet, wet up to his knees and wearing his only shoes, we had to do a quick change into dry pants, socks and now sandals before leaving. We still made it on time and didn't miss a word of Cowboy Randy's Sunday School intro!

Speaking of Cowboy Randy, we are truly enjoying our new church, Immanuel Lutheran Church of Rosenthal, southwest of Stony Plain. Cowboy Randy heads up the Sunday School team and the boys are loving both him and their teachers. Sunday School is held all but the first Sunday of each month, when all the children join their families during service. I am also excited about the New Moms program initiated by this church and the far reaching impact it has in bringing mothers from the whole county and even from Edmonton. Ruth and I will be working together in supporting these mothers and I will meet these mothers as I get to know Immanuel's members better over the next few weeks. I am feeling strongly about proposing my Christian prenatal classes to the church board as I had so successfully done in Camrose at Messiah Lutheran.

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