Thursday, September 15, 2005

Family Futures

Tonight my wonderful husband is deciding the fate... er, future of our family. I mentioned our future in a previous blog but tonight I am both extremely apprehensive and excited. We are focused on two options:

1. He has an open offer to re-join his brother's firm in Camrose with a good wage increase, great hours and vacation time and a great job. Going 'back home' is a great opportunity to be near family too, with perks like another new house which we will build this time and so much more.

2. He starts working with our builder as a supervisor and we say in Spruce Grove. We have always wanted our own business and this is the perfect opportunity to learn the building trade with our future being as residential builders. Also a wage increase, the hours we are not sure yet, nor do we know about vacation time, but also a great job. Staying here is also a great option because the kids have great friends here and there are great opportunities for them. Right now they are enrolled in our homeschool groups Sports program, our church's confirmation classes, AWANA and they have a great paper route that the love the income from.

Honestly? I am feeling apprehensive because I am right now really not wanting to move to Camrose. Yes there are so many great parts of this, but I am really... really liking Spruce Grove. I have fallen completely in love with our new church and the opportunities I have had here, both professionally and personally. I have had thrice the friends and business opportunities in the first six months here than I had in 2 1/2 years in Lloydminster or 5 years in Camrose.... well the business opportunities for Camrose, I do indeed have tons of friends there. I had no idea how attached I could get to this beautiful community when I moved here!

I am so trying to be open minded but it is being very tough. Heck if it was my husband's choice he would already have quit his job and moved... but that is because he knows what he will be going back to in terms of job and right now it is SO much better than what he is dealing with at work right now.

I also am feeling resentful because the kids are just starting all of this wonderful stuff in the community this fall and again we will be moving mid-everything... joining any new groups in Camrose after the fact which always puts kids at a disadvantage. We sure learned that the hard way with the last two moves. My biggest frustration I think is leaving my infant Christian prenatal ministry at Immanuel. I am feeling very motherly towards it and am so fearful it will not flourish in my absense. Ah the joys of motherhood, in all its forms!

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