Tuesday, September 06, 2005


I alluded to dreams in my previous post and indeed dreams are what life is truly made of!

In high school, many of my school mates wrote their list of 100 things they wanted to accomplish in their life, their dream list. I regret not doing that, thinking it was an inane exercise in futility and frustration when looked upon and seeing the un-realized dreams remaining. So very short-sighted I was and how much I had to learn! I only had to look at simple "to do" lists to realize that something written down has a far greater chance of being realized than if is left to be forgotten.

The last two weeks have been a wonderful time of exploration and rediscovery as Allan and I have been exploring not only our career futures but also our dreams, but close to our hearts and forgotten. It is amazing when the stressors of daily life are lifted our dreams are remembered, like our long-shared dream of obtaining our private pilot licenses, and Allan to go further and become a helecopter pilot. Of course that would entail ownership of said vehicles too! What are your dreams?

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