Friday, July 02, 2004

A Tough Day
Do you ever have one of those days when never crawling out from under the covers would have made it so much better? Well it is a very rare event in my life, yet today was one of them. It started with constant interruptions as I was cleaning the bedrooms, I am not sure which was worse, the boys and their needing something every five minutes or the phone. It took thrice as long as it should have, the dust from the earth movers has been fun to clean, not. Almost done, I moved on to clean my room where the boys jumped up on our bed to talk... fresh from the sandbox, before the bed was made... now it needed de-sanding too. Washing the floor before lunch turned interesting when Breanna spit up her breakfast banana and later threw her watermelon on the floor, which splattered everywhere. Nothing like doing it twice! Finally, during a quiet moment, I was writing an introduction for work and half way through Breanna figured out how to turn off the computer. Smart baby, mad mommy.

All of this pales to insignificance though when I recieved a call from a client, who at nine weeks pregnant is bleeding. I comforted her as she cried, we discussed her options and she called her midwife. This is the third client I have supported through a miscarriage and it is never easy. I grieve along with them, knowing the lost dreams they are feeling, even when it is early in a pregnancy. I have experienced two very early miscarriages, both before I realized I was pregnant, yet I would never compare my loss to anothers. Each of us grieves in our own unique way and having someone to support them through it is so important. After talking to her midwife, my client chose to leave work and rest at home, allowing the process to progress, down whichever road that may lead. Tonight she is quite sure she is miscarrying and is grieving her loss. My prayers have covered her all day, however the Lord's will be done, as always.

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