Friday, July 09, 2004

What a blessing this rain is to us all! We have not seen this much glorious water for years - what a welcome sight after the years of drought we have experienced. Having lived in Lloydminster during the last two years, we have seen it's worst as the fields literally dried up and blew away. The mounds of black dirt in the ditches, the barren pastures, stripped not only of their grass but barren of anything living. What the drought drought didn't dry up, the grasshoppers ate as they blazed a path through the barren landscape.

Why do those who don't understand the significance of this rain still complain? Oh they whine about not being able to camp this weekend or work in their yards... do they not understand the importance of higher water tables and fresh water supplies for us to use? Yes cool weather and rain can be an inconvenience to our schedules, but what a way to slow down and reflect on nature during these times. Why not take a walk under an umbrella, or better yet, under an umbrella of trees? Let the rain, as it slowly falls, nuture your soul as it dampens your hair and feel the fresh, dust-free breeze brush against your face. Enjoy it, water is precious and we know not what the future holds... more rain or more drought.

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