Sunday, July 04, 2004

I have been thinking a lot about my maternal Grandparents of late, missing them terribly, though for different reasons. My Grandfather (Grampa) was as much a second father as I could have, we spent many hours together keeping his third-scale steam engine and thresher running, as my cousins and I took turns travelling to different "threshing bees" around Western Canada. He built them himself, making every piece and getting his steam license in order to do so, after his early retirement at 55. He always had lots of time for his seven Grandchildren and we learned a lot about our history from him. He was a very quiet and reflective man. We learned mostly by watching him and the events that surrounded us at the threshing bees, asking questions about it all and always recieving excellent, thoughtful answers. I have a deep appreciation for the pioneers of our great nation from those experiences and know a great deal about farming practices during the entire 20 century as they evolved ever so grandly into what we see today. Sadly, Grampa died of lung cancer almost six years ago - the result of smoking, which he quit before I was born. I miss him so much, knowing I will never be able to talk with him or sit and listen to his wisdom.

My Grandmother (Grama) is a stately woman, a proud farmers wife who was a true homemaker and artist. Her artistic talents were developed largely after their retirement, though she always made beautiful things. She is always ready to laugh and always had her motorhome door open to everyone, grandkids and friends alike. Interestingly, she doesn't like to travel now that Grampa is gone. She is now 86 and living in a senior's home, very healthy and always looking wonderful. I miss her because until not long ago, I was three hours from her and didn't get to visit with her much. Now I am a mere 1 1/2 hours away, I plan on spending more time with her and really talking with her. I want to know more about her, her hopes, her thoughts, her wisdom to share from her perspective, having been through much and learning far more than I know now. I cannot wait to see her next week!

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