Saturday, March 06, 2004

Well it is official, we are moving! Allan (my husband) has recieved a job transfer to the "Edmonton area", location not quite finalized yet, towards the end of May. I have been working non-stop the past two weeks in preparing our house for market and it has been wonderful seeing it come together and be so clean. Our basement will actually have a working bathroom early next week and Eric (our oldest son who resides across the hall from proposed bathroom) can't wait. I hope he enjoys the six weeks he can call it his.

The sign went up today and it is bittersweet to see it announcing to the world our impending departure. I can't say I loved Lloydminster, I have certainly learned a lot about trust and lack thereof while being here, but I have indeed made some great friends. I will certainly miss them and this beautiful home where our precious daughter was born in our kitchen. Now the impatience of waiting to find out where we will be "landing" in six short weeks is upon me as I stand at the ready and keep our house spotless (no easy feat with four kids) for viewings by prospective buyers.