Monday, March 22, 2004

I experienced an absolutely wonderful weekend as we went to visit Allan's parents this weekend past. I have not always seen the strong woman who head's the Banack household as a friend, but it was only in the beginning when I didn't understand her. The more I grow to know her, the more I treasure up the wisdom she bestows upon me in my heart. Her frank nature sits well with me now as we are very similar in personality. When I was young and foolish (which I can easily say I still am at times now), I saw her as an adversary rather than a friend simply because I didn't understand her. How far I have come! My husband is sometimes embarrassed by the topics of our conversations (which are not discussed with him present, but as my life-mate he knows all). I truly cannot wait until our return closer to her and my own mother... to both grow closer to my mother-in-law and in regaining the rapport I had with my mother before my move here.

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