Sunday, September 17, 2006


Sorry everyone, life has taken me on a really wild ride this summer and it's been an incredibly tough time personally. I wish I could say that it was over, but sadly it is far from over. I would like to blog about it, but this isn't a safe place to explore what I am experiencing right now... maybe sometime in the future I will be able to share.

Tomorrow is the turning point though. It is from that point that I either move towards a safe harbour where I can rest and heal with friends/family who will be there to buffer the tide... or I will continue to swirl in the vortex of emotional pain I am currently experiencing. Life is filled with choices and I have to explain and stand by the most difficult decision I have ever made (made earlier this summer) and deal with the consequences. Either way, I will be hurting someone and I cannot tell you how sad that makes me feel.

Catch you on the flip side.


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to hear that you're struggling Connie. I'll be praying for you.



Anonymous said...

I hope that you are doing well Connie, Choices are hard, but they help us move forward.
I'm here for ya if you need.

Connie Thompson said...

Thank you Sarah and Michele! Your warm words have been a light to my soul during this very difficult time.
