Thursday, May 24, 2012


I listen to a woman who's ex-husband/ex-business partner leaves her with all of the bills, takes their money and puts it in his girlfriends account. Then he files personal bankrupcy and she is left with debt so large she couldn't dig her way out in her lifetime. What is she to do now?

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


I watch as a woman, so distraught by a man's continuing and constant need to control, she considers leaving her children. If the courts grant his wish of shared custody with this woman, every decision she ever makes in the future for her children will be met with resistance. Her belief is that without his need to control her between them, her children will not be used as weapons, thus spared. I cannot imagine what she must be going through right now. My prayers reside with her constantly now, and until fate is decided in a courtroom very soon.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


I met a man who broke the hearts of two mothers by taking their children. The first mother's heart was broken when she lost her daughter. He took her away, married her, and made her promise that her parents would not influence her by quoting, "and two shall become one flesh."

Twenty years later he tore the heart from the other when he took her four children. He convinced the children that she, the mother of his children, had become evil, didn't care for them, and guilted them into not seeing her.

How can this man live with himself? How does as he justify his actions?